seven verses
one or two trumpets (optional electronics)
Mausoleum im Tierpark Dessau
Reverb module for electronic version
Verse 1; Ensemble United Berlin
“seven verses” is an invitation for performers to explore the space and the dynamics of a performance situation.
The work consists of a series of short verses; six solo and one duo. These can be played and combined as the performers wish: one after another, overlapping, simultaneously.
The character of each verse suggests a different performance situation and position: played into the ground, against a wall, sitting amongst the audience.
From seven verses and two performers, an infinite number of performance situations can arise.
Score – verses 1, 2, 3 & 6 (PDF)
Unerhörte Musik at BKA Theater Berlin; 10th September 2024
Nathan Plante (premiere of version with electronics)
Mausoleum im Tierpark Dessau; 13th April 2024
Nathan Plante
Konzerthaus Berlin; 29th September 2021
Ensemble United Berlin (premiere)